Mil-tek XP200

Mil-tek XP200

Contact us for price

Location:Myshall, Ireland


The Mil-tek XP200 is a general waste compactor suitable for the hospitality industry and office environments. It can be powered by an air compressor or existing air-line, which means it reduces the risk of electrical fires. It can also compact hazardous waste, which makes it a suitable solution for environments such as hospitals and laboratories. To purchase our GE200 Compactor bags (compatible with the Mil-tek XP200) please call our office at +353 5991 30100.


Machine size (h x w x d)1825mm x 830mm x 800mm
Machine weight135 kg
Bag dimensionsHeight: 600mm Diameter: 570mm
Full bag weight<60 kg
MaterialGeneral / Kitchen Waste
Degree of compression< 90%
Noise level< 70 dB(A)
Pressure1500 kg at 5 bar
ApprovalsCE, AS/NZ 4024.1